Halle (dpa/sa) – In Saxony-Anhalt, parts of the public service are to be on strike next Wednesday. The Verdi union announced on Sunday an all-day warning strike by employees in the municipal daycare centers and after-school care centers in Halle, in the Saale district and in the Burgenland district. This is a reaction to the “completely inadequate offer from employers from the second round of negotiations” for public sector employees, according to a Verdi statement on Sunday.

The federal and local governments had offered their 2.5 million public sector employees five percent more wages and 2,500 euros in one-off payments over a period of 27 months in the nationwide collective bargaining dispute. The Verdi union had rejected this as “cheeky”, they continue to demand 10.5 percent for a one-year term, but at least 500 euros more per month. The third round of negotiations is not planned for the end of March.