Dresden/Lehrer (dpa/sn) – In Saxony there is resistance to the new higher education law. On Sunday, the “Revolution Studies” alliance announced demonstrations for Monday in Dresden and Leipzig. “From our point of view, the Saxon Higher Education Act is still too much geared towards the interests of the professors and the economic success of universities,” explained Sabine Giese, spokeswoman for the Conference of Saxon Student Unions. They want “universities for everyone”.

The amendment to the Higher Education Act was released for a hearing in the summer. With the new version, higher education law is to be further developed and modernized in key points. According to the government, the amendment is intended, among other things, to bring the university bodies more into balance in their responsibilities and competencies. For the first time, a representation of interests for doctoral students is to be anchored. At the same time, spin-offs from the universities are to be promoted. In this context, jobs for so-called science managers are to be created.

“At the demonstrations, as a broad alliance, we are showing that the current draft law is far from sufficient. After years of postponing the amendment to the law, we should now be satisfied with small adjustments,” complained representatives of the youth organizations of the SPD, Greens and Left. The topics of teaching and study regulations, co-determination and equal opportunities in particular required a radical rethink on the part of the legislature.