Dresden (dpa/sn) – Because of the tense forest fire situation in the Free State, the city of Dresden has tightened its rules for entering the forests. According to the city, a corresponding general decree was issued “because of the continued very tense forest fire situation in the Free State of Saxony”. It is limited to September 30, 2022. “It is important to protect the forest visitors, the neighboring residents and the forest,” is available.

With forest fire danger level 4, such as on Thursday, leaving roads and paths in the forest is therefore prohibited. The reason for this is that the risk of ignition in the forest area is significantly higher than on the forest paths. Parking outside designated parking areas is also expressly prohibited from level 4. At forest fire danger level 5, entering forest paths is no longer permitted. Then only public roads may be used. Violations of the provision can result in fines ranging from 2,500 euros to 10,000 euros.

A forest fire has been raging in the Saxon Switzerland National Park for days. In the district of Saxon Switzerland-Osterzgebirge, the forests may no longer be entered until further notice.