Dresden (dpa/sn) – The number of corona booster vaccinations administered in the state centers more than quadrupled in the first week of October compared to the previous week. According to the announcement on Monday, the German Red Cross (DRK), as the operator of the 13 facilities, clearly attributed this to the new BA.4/5 vaccines adapted to the Omicron variants, which have been available since October 4th. Their number increased from 621 in the previous week to 2818. However, this does not necessarily mean that there will be a greater willingness to vaccinate in the next few weeks, said a spokesman.

Unlike last autumn, when the vaccination centers were overwhelmed by the sudden demand, they are prepared this time. By the end of October there are still more than 10,000 free appointments that can only be booked online via a booking portal. In Dresden, Leipzig, Chemnitz and Eich, opening hours were extended according to demand and more medical staff were deployed.

The main players in the corona vaccinations in Bavaria are medical practices, company doctors and hospitals, they cover around 80 percent. The state infrastructure complements the offer.