Dresden (dpa/sn) – Resistance to gravel mining in the Heidebogen forest north of Dresden is growing. On Tuesday, the SPD youth organization Young Socialists (Jusos) declared its solidarity with the forest squatters of “Heibo” and thus opposed the SPD-led Ministry of Economic Affairs. One condemns any environmental destruction in times of climate change, said the Jusos in Dresden. If one rightly denounces environmental destruction worldwide, it should not go unchallenged on one’s own doorstep.

“If we want to credibly combat climate change, it is irresponsible to sacrifice intact moors for gravel mining. But that is exactly what threatens the deforestation of the Heibo forest,” said Saxon Jusos Vice President Lukas Peger. Currently, the forest still regulates the water supply of the moors. If the bogs dry up, huge amounts of carbon dioxide would be released. In addition, the Heidebogen offers a natural habitat for numerous endangered animal and plant species.

Officials had contradicted such concerns. The Ministry of the Environment considers gravel mining to be compatible with environmental protection concerns. In addition, reference was made to the legal basis. All the necessary permits have been obtained for the gravel quarrying. The approval process for another area is still ongoing.

In the Heidebogen, conservationists have been protesting against further clearing of the forest for about a year and a half. They built tree houses there. A citizens’ initiative against gravel mining has been active here for around 20 years. Since the forest squatters missed a deadline to remove the tree houses, the “Heibo” camp is now threatened with eviction. In addition to nature conservation associations, the left, the green youth and the pirates had also spoken out against it.