Dresden (dpa / sn) – Saxony’s Energy Minister Wolfram Günther (Greens) has generally welcomed the expert proposals for the gas price brake, but at the same time called for a quick examination and implementation. “The proposed takeover of the advance payment in December is a quick and practicable solution to relieve the burden on private households and small and medium-sized companies in particular,” he said on Monday in Dresden. This also gives the public utility company time to make the change.

At the same time, targeted relief and savings must be even more in the foreground in the medium term. “The approach of installing a gas price brake for 80 percent of consumption and 12 cents from March 2023 is the right way to go. In the coming weeks this must now be designed in a concrete and reasonable way,” emphasized the minister.

“The gas price cap brings little light and a lot of shadow in East Saxon crafts,” assessed the Dresden Chamber of Crafts. It is positive that the financial fixation of the gas price for trade and medium-sized businesses in the coming year means better planning and relief compared to the current situation. The reduction to twelve cents per kilowatt hour is a first step in the right direction.

Compared to the pre-crisis level, the gas price will still rise by around 70 percent, the Chamber made clear. In addition, companies would again be at a disadvantage compared to industry and could only expect the gas price cap from March 2023 and not at the beginning of the year: “Hence our clear demand: The gas price cap must also be limited for small and medium-sized companies at least from January.”