Kamenz (dpa/sn) – The inflation rate in Saxony fell below the 10 percent mark again in November. According to the State Statistical Office on Tuesday, it was 9.9 percent. A month earlier it was 10.1 percent.

According to this, the prices for food (22.4 percent), electricity and gas (43 percent) and transport (10.7 percent) have increased compared to the same month last year. The high cost of energy was a major driver of inflation. But even without them, prices would have risen by 7.2 percent year-on-year.

This year, consumers will therefore have to put significantly more food on the table for Christmas baking, among other things. The price of flour has risen by more than 80 percent, and sugar (49.6 percent), butter (42.5 percent) and chocolate (12.7 percent) are also significantly more expensive than last winter.

Compared to the prices in October 2022, the prices in Saxony had fallen slightly. Because heating oil, fuel and package tours have become cheaper again, prices are 0.3 percent lower than in the previous month.