Leipzig (dpa/sn) – The former AfD member of the Bundestag Jens Maier, classified as a right-wing extremist, is no longer allowed to work as a judge because, according to a court, he has lost credibility and trust. This emerges from the written judgment of the service court for judges on Monday. The judgment against the native of Bremen was already made on December 1st in Leipzig.

In it, after months of negotiations, the court had declared an application by the Saxon Ministry of Justice to be admissible. Accordingly, Maier is to be put into early retirement because he is no longer acceptable as a judge. “The applicant is of the opinion that the respondent has finally lost its credibility as an organ of the administration of justice and the trust of the employer and the general public in his impartiality in the exercise of the judicial office entrusted to him,” the written judgment said.

According to the court, Maier was listed in the constitutional protection report as chairman in the so-called wing of the AfD until April 2020. The wing was an association of right-wing extremists within the party. The aim of the merger was, among other things, to despise democratic institutions, abolish parliamentarianism and establish a national social order.

Maier has been classified as a right-wing extremist by the Office for the Protection of the Constitution in Saxony since 2020, but he has lodged a complaint with the Dresden Administrative Court. He had lost his mandate in the 2021 federal election and then wanted to return to the judiciary.

The verdict against him is not yet final. The 60-year-old’s lawyer held out the prospect of an appeal before the federal service court. In general, proceedings against judges are extremely rare.