Leipzig (dpa/sn) – The ban on exhibiting thousands of animals at the 126th Lipsia breed poultry show in Leipzig after an outbreak of avian influenza hit the organizers hard. “This is a low blow. As a result, about half of the exhibitors have broken away and we have more than 12,000 animals less,” said Dirk Neumann, 1st Chairman of the Leipzig breed poultry breeders’ association on Thursday. He also expects fewer visitors for the show from December 2nd to 4th at the New Leipzig Trade Fair.

The responsible veterinary office in Leipzig announced on Monday that following an exhibition on November 28 in Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania, 26 cases of avian influenza had been confirmed. As a result, the authorities prohibited all poultry from being exhibited at the Lipsia.

The show is now limited to about 14,000 pigeons and 4050 purebred rabbits. After two years of a corona-related break, one is happy to finally be able to present oneself again, said Doreen Kalusok from the State Association of Saxon Rabbit Breeders. “We have increasing numbers of exhibitors and offer the first long-hair comparison show.”