Liebschützberg (dpa/sn) – In Liebschützberg in northern Saxony, there are new findings about a young wolf who has been living there for months. The animal with the identifier GW2719f is a descendant of the pack of Gohrischheide, said the State Office for the Environment, Agriculture and Geology in Dresden on Friday. Numerous references to the animal were found and documented during several field trips. It is unclear whether the pack from the Meissen district has moved south after the forest fire last summer or whether the young wolf has left and is traveling alone.

The animal, which according to current knowledge poses no danger to humans, roamed the area around the Borna district of Liebschütz and used the north-east flank of the settlement as one of several ways to control its own territory, it said.

In the summer of 2022, wolf monitoring in the region was intensified. At that time the young she-wolf was seen in gardens. In addition to her, other animals were observed, among other things with set up camera traps. Residents are asked to report to the office if they see a wolf. So far, 73 tips have been received by the specialist department since June, it said.

There is also a wolf in Löbau in the district of Görlitz – and causing problems there. The CDU parliamentary group in the Saxon state parliament had therefore spoken out in favor of shooting down wolves in the Free State. On Monday, the environmental agency decided that the conditions for shooting the animal in Löbau were not met. In the past, the wolf had killed several animals there. A total of five cracks have been reported in the Liebschützberg community since October 2022, the environmental agency said.