Leipzig (dpa/sn) – The city of Leipzig is planning what is now the third road inspection for taking 360-degree panorama images. Four special vehicles could start in mid-February, the city administration announced on Tuesday. The recorded data should help to optimize urban and construction planning.

With pictures of the streets and building facades, building law issues can be clarified, traffic planning can be optimized and information on the condition of the streets or on green maintenance and cleaning can be recorded. On-site inspections are no longer absolutely necessary.

According to the city, the panoramic photos are for internal use only and will not be published. Faces and license plates are therefore made unrecognizable.

The vehicles equipped with camera technology are expected to be on the road throughout the city from Monday (February 20). The city administration expects a period of six weeks. “The project decided by the city council is scheduled for a total of five years. With the annual inspections, at least half of the road network can now always be updated, so that the data basis for future planning is never older than two years,” it said.