Leipzig (dpa/sn) – In the past few days in Leipzig, the German start-up scene has discussed, among other things, the effects of omnipresent crises on start-ups. Founders of innovative start-ups met with potential investors at the German Business Angels Day from November 26th to 28th. Although the crises made life difficult for some start-ups, others benefited from them, said the chairwoman of the Business Angels Network Germany, Ute Günther. “All in all, we agreed: crises must not be turned into a specter,” says Günther.

The congress has been held every two years since 2001. This year he was a guest in Saxony for the first time. “I was impressed by Saxony’s innovation ecosystem,” said Günther after the end of the event on Monday. In the joint discussions, it became clear that there was a lot of potential in Saxony. “This must now be brought out of the universities onto the streets,” said the chairwoman. At the moment, the university landscape in the Free State is still producing too few spin-offs.

In total, the congress organizers counted around 600 participants. This makes it one of the largest in Europe. Investors in the business angels network, the so-called business angels, spend around 2.5 billion euros a year on young, innovative companies in Germany.