Leipzig (dpa/sn) – Students in Saxony are increasingly dissatisfied with price increases for canteen food, dormitory rents and semester fees. In an open letter to Prime Minister Michael Kretschmer (CDU), the Conference of Saxon Student Unions (KSS) pointed out a difficult situation for many of those affected. “The first students are already approaching us because they will soon have to give up their studies due to the precarious situation,” explained KSS spokeswoman Uta Lemke. You need emergency aid funds and financing for more counseling options.

“Last week, the administrative boards of the Saxon student unions decided on their economic plans. Price increases are now taking place at all four locations. These range, for example, from planned rent increases of an average of up to 70 euros per place in a hall of residence from June 2023 in Leipzig to food prices that are far too expensive in the canteens of Mittweida and Freiberg even to a flat-rate increase in the semester fees in Dresden and Chemnitz,” the letter to the head of government said.

The KSS called for the price increases to be withdrawn and for politicians to act quickly. From the point of view of the KSS, the proposed amendments for the upcoming double budget do not represent inflation compensation. “However, the low prices for the students must be secured for several years,” it said. The relief packages from the federal government would not even reach most students or would be a drop in the bucket.