Dresden (dpa / sn) – After losses in the past few weeks, the CDU in Saxony is catching up again in favor of the AfD. According to a representative survey commissioned by the “Sächsische Zeitung” (Tuesday), the Union comes to 32 percent, the AfD to 26 percent. The Greens came third with 12 percent, followed by the SPD with 10 percent. 7 percent of those surveyed voted for the left and 4 percent for the FDP. Compared to the last survey at the end of October, the CDU and Linke each gained one percentage point, while the AfD and Greens each lost one percentage point. However, there was no change in the SPD and FDP.

Between November 20th and December 4th, the opinion research institute Civey asked a good 2,400 voters in the Free State who they would vote for if there were state elections on Sunday.