Dresden (dpa/sn) – The Dresden aid organization arche noVa has already collected more than 200,000 euros for the earthquake victims in Turkey and Syria and wants to expand its commitment in north-west Syria. The focus is on the distribution of food, water and hygiene kits as well as winter aid, the association announced on Tuesday in Dresden. “It is not a matter of course that so many donations for the needy come together at a time when many people are struggling with inflation and insecurity,” explained Managing Director Mathias Anderson.

“It is now particularly important to provide food, warm meals and water, hygiene kits and blankets, warm clothing and heating material against the cold,” emphasized Katja Laudemann, head of the foreign programs at arche noVa. Because of the widespread destruction, many people would now seek refuge in camps and emergency shelters. “Here, together with our partners and other aid organizations, we now urgently need to ensure sewage and waste disposal in order to prevent outbreaks of disease.”

Arche noVa has been active in Northwest Syria for over ten years. The local population is supported by two partner organizations, it said: “Due to the war that has been going on in the country for almost twelve years and the isolated situation, 90 percent of the people in the region were already dependent on humanitarian aid before the earthquake. Half of the 4.6 Millions are people displaced within the country, and the earthquake disaster has exacerbated an already difficult situation for vulnerable people.”