The month of June is one of the best months of the year for the more than 9 million Spanish pensioners. In this month, together with the pension corresponding to the sixth annual monthly payment, they will also receive the extra summer pay.

The beneficiaries of this extraordinary payment, the first in 2023 that also includes the 8.5% increase, will be both retirees with a contributory and non-contributory pension. In the case of the latter, the increase due to the inflation situation, caused by the Ukrainian War, the revaluation will be 15%.

The Social Security has by law marked the dates of income in the first days of the month following the corresponding collection. Thus, the public entity pays the pensions to the banking entities between the 1st and 4th of each month.

However, it is common practice for most banks to advance this payment from the public body to the last week of the current month.

As Social Security has recently exposed on social networks, the payment of pensions for the month of June, including the extra summer pay, will be made by the banks between the 22nd and 27th of this month.

On this occasion, some entities will make the entry on Monday, June 26, when the 24th falls on Saturday. In addition, it is a holiday in some autonomous communities of Spain.

Estimated calendar of payment of the June pensions of the banking entities in Spain:

If the pension comes from a common illness or non-work accident, it is paid in the 14-pay format. While if it is a work accident or occupational disease is paid in 12 monthly payments. In this case, the payments are prorated between the different monthly payments of the year.

The pensions that do receive 14 payments are the following: retirement, widowhood, orphanhood, permanent disability (for non-work reasons) and pension in favor of relatives (without work reasons).

Whether the pensions are collected in 12 or 14 payments, the collection day is the same.

According to the criteria of The Trust Project