Agents of the National Police and the Civil Guard have arrested, in a joint operation with the Tax Agency, five people in Spain and the Netherlands who were part of a plot that introduced large quantities of cocaine into Europe and in which 2,300 have been seized. kilograms of cocaine.

As reported by the Armed Institute, those arrested were part of a criminal organization based in different countries, responsible for the introduction and distribution of large consignments of cocaine in Europe from South America by sea.

2,300 kilograms of cocaine have been seized in the plot. The drug seizures for which they are responsible took place in the port of Bilbao in 2020 and in Algeciras between 2021 and 2022. Simultaneous searches have been carried out in the provinces of Madrid and Alicante.

La Benemérita highlighted that this operation is an example of the effectiveness of international cooperation in the fight against drug trafficking. The collaboration between Spain and the Netherlands has been key to the success of the operation.

The research has been based on exhaustive analysis carried out for months on state-of-the-art encrypted chat systems. The network communicated in this way to try to evade police action regarding the drug trafficking operations carried out.

Thanks to this analysis, it has been possible to fully identify those most responsible for this business network, located in different countries, who directly managed the introduction into Spain of these shipments of cocaine from their shipment at origin.

For all these reasons, at the end of last November, the final phase of this operation was carried out, carrying out a total of six home searches simultaneously; four of them between the provinces of Madrid and Alicante, and the remaining two in the Dutch capital. Five people were arrested in them, three in Spain and two in the Netherlands, all of them directly linked to the management of the cocaine consignments seized.

The detainees are charged with the alleged crimes of drug trafficking, money laundering and belonging to a criminal organization, for the introduction of a total of 2,348 kilograms of cocaine into Spain.