María Guardiola, after a few very hard days from a personal point of view after her change of position with Vox that led to the agreement to seal a pact between both formations and preside over the Junta de Extremadura, was finally seen smiling. But she also shed tears. The tension has been “brutal”, according to those close to her, and after a few “very hard” days, she could not hold back the tears of emotion at the extraordinary regional board of directors -together with the Executive Committee- that was held last night in a hotel from Merida. High officials were summoned but also any militant who wanted it. It was an “open” meeting for the structure of this party but closed for the media and it was the appointment that everyone was waiting for after being suspended last week so as not to add more noise after a few weeks where Guardiola was at the national target of the political and media hurricane , which made her threaten to present her resignation to Genoa, which supported her but marked the way for her to finally reach the agreement with Vox.

In any case, until reaching the hotel room where the conclave was held, hugging the former mayoress of Cáceres and one of her main collaborators today, Elena Nevado, she was seen with a wide smile, far from serious and even sadness from last Friday, when he sealed the public agreement with the formation of Santiago Abascal in the Assembly of Extremadura.

Inside, with a room packed “as never before”, she was received with a standing ovation and shouts of “president”. She and she collapsed and she could not stop the tears when she was moved on several occasions, not at the beginning of the meeting but when she took the floor to close the act and received a standing ovation. “She got very emotional on several occasions and she had to stop talking,” some of those present highlighted.

In the previous interventions of the leadership of the party in Extremadura, what they consider to be a “very positive” pact with Vox when it comes to making concessions was highlighted, especially when compared to what Vox’s interlocutors began asking for: three ministries and a vice president to the creation of a new council that in the PP is interpreted as, in practice, “two general directorates”, those of Forest Management and Rural World. This was explained to the attendees by the general secretary of the Popular Party of Extremadura, Abel Bautista, as EL MUNDO has learned. So he reiterated in assessing the pact, even if it is ultimately a coalition government, as “very positive.”

During the conclave, Guardiola asserted that “for those who voted for us and for those who did not” an agreement has been signed with Vox “for governability and political change in Extremadura” whose fundamental pillar, he assured, “is the interest of the people of Extremadura ». And he added that for her “there is nothing more important than them. We have separated what separates us and sought what unites us. We are going to launch the Government of change », she said.

The president of the Extremaduran PP stressed that she promised to set a new course for the region “and we have already taken the first step to do so” and asked the militants of this party to accompany her on “this trip”, “but that she could not start without the fuel of your passion”, he summarized.

Sources from the PP of Extremadura yesterday emphasized the “freedom that María Guardiola has had to reach the agreement, as can be seen in the 60 measures of the agreement, which are a regional enclave and the national president was informed of the agreement at night on Thursday, before it was signed the next day in the morning. And they add that the agreement was negotiated in Extremadura and it was decided by parts of the press advisors of both parties that the best time to make it known was 08:30 in the morning so that it would have an impact on the gatherings that begin at that time in radio and also television. Both negotiating teams had exchanged the different drafts of the programmatic agreement until approximately 7:30 p.m. on Thursday, when the final agreement was approved by both parties.

“He has received full support,” a Popular Party official explained to this newspaper after the meeting, which was held on the eve of Guardiola herself attending the second round of consultations that the president of the Assembly has planned for this Tuesday. , the socialist Blanca Martín, together with the rest of the presidents of the Parliamentary Groups and in which both she and the representative of Vox, Ángel Pelayo Gordillo, will officially convey to her that they have a closed agreement waiting for it to decline the Fernández Vara’s candidacy, scheduled for this Wednesday and Thursday, including the votes on Saturday in the middle of the electoral campaign, and make official that of the president of the PP from Extremadura and the specific dates for the investiture.

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