The Civil Guard is investigating a man as the alleged perpetrator of a crime of animal abuse, since he abandoned eight newborn puppies in a container in the Valladolid town of La Parrilla, placed in a plastic bag and which ended up dying.

As detailed this Sunday by the Civil Guard in a statement, on November 14, a neighbor who was walking with his dog on the outskirts of the municipality, located about 27 kilometers from the capital of Valladolid, heard the howls of the animals and after opening The lid of the container revealed the eight newborn puppies in a plastic bag.

At that time, three were already dead, and the remaining five were taken to provide veterinary care, although due to their condition they ended up dying without anything being able to be done for them.

After filing a complaint at the Tudela de Duero Civil Guard Post, the Seprona team made several queries to the SIACYL base of the Department of Agriculture and Livestock of the General Directorate of Agricultural Production, where the record of animals. In this way, the number of possible mothers whose profile matched the puppies found was reduced.

After this study, DNA tests were carried out on the possible mothers with the aim of determining the filial maternal relationship of the selected animals with the abandoned puppies, which were also subjected to these analyses.

With the results obtained, the Civil Guard charged the owner of a dog whose genetic profile matched that of the abandoned animals with the crime of animal abuse.