The majority union of the National Police, Jupol, has received a response from the Ombudsman regarding its request to equalize the retirement conditions of national police officers with other police forces in Spain.

Through a letter sent to the group, the First Deputy of the Ombudsman, Teresa Jiménez-Becerril, points out that the Ministry of Inclusion, Social Security and Migrations has already started the procedures “to establish reduction coefficients and anticipate the retirement age in the Social Security system.

The union demands an equalization with the rest of the police forces. That is, an early retirement at age 59 with the total of your economic contribution.

In the letter sent by the Ombudsman, it is also indicated that the Ministry has begun “studies on the accident rate, hardship, dangerousness, toxicity of the working conditions of the group of officials of the National Police Corps, its incidence in the processes of incapacity for work of the workers and the physical requirements demanded for the development of the activity, as a prerequisite to the application of the reasons that include early retirement for this group”.

The general secretary of JUPOL, Aarón Rivero, has shown his “deep satisfaction” for the start of said work, since it is a first step to achieve the equality with this of police groups in Spain.

The key, he points out, is found in the “correcting factor” and argues that the effects of Royal Decree 1449/2018, of December 14, which establishes the reduction coefficient of the retirement age in favor of local police officers and autonomous, “is perfectly applicable to the State Security Forces and Bodies”.

Jupol considers that the current retirement conditions of the national police officers generate “contempt and a situation of comparative grievance” with respect to the rest of the officials of the local and regional police forces.

Therefore, it asks the Government to resolve this injustice and carry out the equalization of the retirement conditions of all police officers. Likewise, they affirm that they will not cease their efforts until they achieve the same socio-labor conditions for the National Police as those already enjoyed by the regional and local police forces.

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