The Ministry of Equality has decided to award the former President of the Government José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero with an Rainbow recognition, awards created three years ago to highlight the work of people and organizations in support of the rights of LGTBI people.

The department headed by Irene Montero awards the former socialist president, precisely, in full controversy over the reproaches of the current president, Pedro Sánchez, to the head of Equality. Sánchez has repeatedly accused Montero of being “uncomfortable” because of her manners for groups of men that she limited to between 40 and 50 years old, and among whom she mentioned her own friends.

Montero already responded to those words by Sánchez with a sign that said “sorry for the inconvenience, but they are killing us.” And he shared videos of interviews with Rodríguez Zapatero in recent days, praising the advances in recent years in terms of Equality. Now, he certifies that closeness with the delivery of the Rainbow Award.

In the presence of the head of Equality, Irene Montero, these awards, with which this year the work of numerous activists who have worked for the tarns law will be recognized, will be delivered next Tuesday, June 27, the eve of International LGTBI Pride Day , in the Royal Botanical Garden of Madrid.

Zapatero, explains Equality in a statement this Wednesday, will be awarded for “his historic work in recognizing equality for LGTBI people with the modification of the Civil Code that made Spain the third country in the world in achieving equal marriage” .

Together with him, they will receive the Trànsit recognition, the service of the Institut Català de la Salut, which for more than ten years has been a reference in care and accompaniment for trans people, the Ministry highlights.

The Olympe Abogados office will also be awarded for their work in favor of trans law; the president of the Trans Platform, Mar Cambrollé; and the organizations FELGTBI, Chrysallis and Fundación Triángulo.

Other Rainbow recognitions will go to the writers Nando López and Alana Portero; the actor Ander Puig, participant in series such as “Elite” or “To be or not to be”; Damn Bollodrama, lesbian podcast for lesbians; the actress and comedian Patricia Galván; the singer-songwriter from Malaga, María Peláe, and the intersex activist Camino Baró.

The entire Montero ministerial team will participate in the event and Víctor “Viruta”, trans referents in the world of music, and Patricia Galván will perform.

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