The 17-year-old minor, who fell from a tenth floor yesterday afternoon on Avenida Reyes Católicos in Burgos, is still alive, in very serious condition, in the ICU of a hospital in the Burgos capital.

The Government delegate in Castilla y León, Virginia Barcones, at a press conference, has clarified the situation of the minor, given contradictory information that has emerged in recent hours about his death and has stressed that the first indications of the Police Nacional indicate that the event could be due to a suicide attempt, although it will also be investigated whether it could have been an accident.

He has also stated that the first data available to the agents rule out the existence of bullying or a similar situation.

“Everything seems to indicate an autolytic attempt and it doesn’t seem like harassment or bullying,” the delegate summarized.

After the event that occurred yesterday, the emergency services received a call warning of what had happened at around 7:30 p.m. Local.

Apparently, the young man, who fell through a narrow courtyard on the building’s façade, was able to save his life when he collided with various elements in his fall that stopped him before falling onto a roof in the lower area of ​​the building, according to police sources. .

The rescue work was complex and required half an hour of work and the blocking of street traffic, a busy avenue in the capital of Burgos.

When the firefighters managed to rescue the young man with a ladder vehicle, an ambulance took him to the Burgos University Hospital, where he was admitted with a reserved prognosis and where he remains in the ICU.

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