For each type of pension, the calendars are known in advance by its beneficiaries so that they can organize their budget correctly and thus avoid unpleasant surprises. However, delays can happen without warning! If you haven’t thought to anticipate.

In the coming months, a little more than 13 million French people insured with Agirc-Arrco will experience this inconvenience. If you are a beneficiary of the supplementary pension, read this article carefully so as not to find yourself stuck in the water.

Unlike the basic pension, which is paid in arrears, the Agirc-Arrco supplementary pension is paid in due time, recalls an article on the Pleine Vie website.

Concretely, the payment of your retirement rights is made at the start of the month, on the first day. However, this rule is only respected under one condition: if the first day of the month is a working day. In this case, payments are made to your banking establishment so that the transfer is paid the following day. But discrepancies can occur.

It happens that the 1st of the month is a public holiday, a Saturday or a Sunday. As a result, in these cases, payment can only be made on the first working day of the month. A situation that will occur seven times in 2024.

For these months, the monthly payment schedule indicates the dates of 2, 3 and 4, indicates the site Thanks for the Info. It is therefore important for every retiree to anticipate these delays to better manage their finances.

Here are the payment months to note carefully to organize yourself for the coming months.

Payment delays will therefore occur again on numerous occasions in the coming months. The months of greatest vigilance are June, September, November and December. 

Another point to keep in mind is the payment dates to avoid unpleasant financial surprises.

Now that you have the months in mind, know that delays of one or two days late, or even three, are indeed to be expected. With this in mind, you must keep the dates of 3, 2, 4 and 2; which correspond respectively to the months of June, September, November and December.

According to the payment schedule, as specified on the Pleine Vie website, the month of November is the month with the greatest delay for the Agirc-Arrco pension.

But fortunately, not all beneficiaries of this supplement are affected. Here they are.

Certain beneficiaries of the Agirc-Arrco pension are not affected by these delays in their payments. In fact, some retirees receive payment quarterly or annually, specifies the dedicated site.

The monthly payment thus concerns retirees whose bank account is domiciled in a country outside Europe. Unlike the annual payment, which is intended for retirees who receive a small pension. And generally, their rights are paid to them at the beginning of January for the current year. They therefore escape these delays.