The survivor’s pension or survivor’s pension corresponds to part of the retirement which the insured person benefited from or could have benefited from during his or her lifetime. It is equal to 54% of the pension that your deceased spouse or ex-spouse received or could have received. 

The retirement pension is not awarded automatically, you must apply for it yourself.

To be eligible, there are certain conditions to respect:

The survivor’s pension must be requested within 12 months following the date of death of the spouse or ex-spouse. To do this, you must apply online by providing certain supporting documents. 

You can then receive the retirement pension without time limit, provided you respect the means conditions. 

According to information revealed by RMC, the procedures for obtaining a survivor’s pension will soon be simplified, by 2026.

“The simplification of the reversion request is planned for 2026”, specified the Ministry of Labor. This will be in the form of a pre-filled form”, indicates RMC.

Contacted by Planet, the Directorate of Legal and Administrative Information of the Prime Minister’s services and Agirc-Arrco did not confirm this information.