The candidate is close to tears of relief. But then the panic drinking kicks in. Jauch decides: The father must not fail. Meanwhile, a baker reveals how to recognize a really good roll when you buy it.
Once or twice a year there is one candidate for whom Günther Jauch clearly has a lifelong dream come true. This Monday evening it was “Who wants to be a millionaire?” time again. Alexander Profant used his last chance in the third selection round and was allowed to sit in the hot seat. But he looked so exhausted, as if he had already completed a marathon session. “Didn’t think you’d make it. Is everything going wrong today, or what’s going on?” the host joked. But when the candidate burst into tears, Jauch knew: joking aside, the man needs help.
“It was so blatantly stressful for me, I could never get up on my chair,” Profant explained his mental state of emergency. “I’ve been applying for over four years.” The bouncer and comedian from Munich became the father of a daughter a few months ago. The wet eyes that he got when Jauch asked about his baby gave an idea: Profant also played for his daughter. Risk should be left out, he chose the safety variant – much to the delight of his prominent friend.
Prince Damien at WWM
Profant had Prince Damien with him, winner of “Deutschland sucht den Superstar” and Jungle King 2020/21. The two met in a club. Jauch was happy, but was quickly concerned again. Because even before he could ask the first question, his guest had already drained the second glass of water. The nervous candidate began to falter as early as the second question.
His daughter is still too young for Profant to know from his own experience what is often played at birthday parties: carrying swabs, blowing cotton wool, pushing band-aids or throwing diapers? When the candidate suddenly tended towards the flying diapers, Jauch said: “With the water consumption, I wish you that you have some with you.” But then he decided to intervene courageously and carried the unsuspecting candidate to the correct answer B. Profant didn’t really trust the whole thing. Then Jauch became clear: “Take it, you coward.”
After the 500-euro question, glass number three was already emptied and the director kindly sent a beer mug of water into the studio. But Jauch was still required. When Profant shot at the wrong combination 4-4-2 when setting up table football, the WWM moderator wasted time so that his guest was able to switch to the correct answer 2-5-3.
Jauch asks: “Are you a really cool guy?”
The fact that he knew on his own that trash TV queen Claudia Obert is a fashion entrepreneur in real life apparently gave the Munich self-confidence. Profant, who once applied to the “Bachelorette” in vain, simply believed very strongly that the FDP headquarters would not be in the Guido Westerwelle building, but in the Dietrich Genscher building. “If I’m a really horny guy, I’ll take an A without batting an eyelid,” said Profant. “But are you a really cool guy?” Jauch asked nicely. However, he did not spare the candidate a brief moment of shock before confirming: The answer is correct.
Profant can now calm down before he returns with the 32,000 euro question. Jauch will send candidates on the hunt for three million euros next week. Overhang candidate Benjamin Gambach scooped the biggest win of the evening. He got out on his first question for 125,000 euros. Luckily, because the copywriter had tended to believe that Richard Harris had played Mr. Spock and not Albus Dumbledore before he died.
Master baker Yvonne Kühne from Hagen in the Teutoburg Forest won the first selection round. She runs a bakery with a confectionery and likes to eat bread herself. “Bread makes you fat,” said Jauch again. The woman from the department did not accept that. “Enjoy in moderation,” she advised. When Jauch referred to the tempting bread basket in the restaurant, Kühne gave the tip: “You don’t go to the restaurant hungry. That’s how hungry you go to the market.”
Mother fails at children’s books
According to Kühne, you can recognize a really good roll that is still crispy and not dry in the evening by the fact that the baker offers “long-term” products. These rolls with little yeast should rest for a long time and are therefore juicier. “A good baker knows what that is,” Kühne told the WWM viewers. The mother of two children aged seven and twelve was slowed down by a series of children’s books of all things. In the 16,000 euro question, she needed the last three jokers to find out that Charlotte Habersack’s series was called “Please do not open”. In the following round, the candidate then got out.
Beatrix “Trixi” Mittermüller from Rehlingen-Siesburg in Saarland was also happy about 16,000 euros. The mother of six informs passengers on cruises about local sights. However, she would rather use the profits to give her family a flight to the USA. But does she dare to go into the sea there? “I am ‘Jaws’ damaged, like many my age,” revealed Mittermüller. “Even in the bathing lake I’m afraid that the shark will come.” She therefore always prefers to let someone swim ahead and hope that the predator will eat him first. “But none of my family,” assured the candidate – perhaps also because a daughter was in the audience.