Pasapalabra’s hegemony in the evening barbecue seems to have no end. This week the Antena 3 program recorded its second best figure of the season with 4,372,000 unique viewers following the duel for the El Rosco boat. The formula for the success of the contest is not only in the format itself, dynamic and exciting, but also in the celebrities who parade around the set to exude knowledge, reflexes and good humor. As an example, the button of Pablo Carbonell, one of the new guests of Pasapalabra.

Pablo Carbonell was born in Cádiz 61 years ago. He is a multifaceted artist with an extraordinary career of more than 40 years. As it says on his business card, he is an actor, comedian, screenwriter, film director, singer and television reporter.

Carbonell’s fame began in the 80s, when he participated in the legendary TVE program La ball de cristal with the now deceased Pedro Reyes.

“Thanks to the Crystal Ball I took a shower once a week. I lived in a very dirty boarding house, where the shower was shared with a lot of dark people who lived in that place. And I didn’t use it. When I went to the Roma Studios where we recorded the program, I had a shower in the dressing room and I took advantage of it there,” Carbonell highlighted in this interview with ELMUNDO.

“At that time we did not realize the freedom of expression we had. Right now, if in a children’s program you show an atomic bomb and a character shouting ‘long live evil, long live capital!’, you end up in court,” he added. .

It was also around those years when Pablo Carbonell became the leader of the musical group Toreros Muertos, a true reference in the Madrid scene. Likewise, he was the author, together with Alberto Amoraga, of the lyrics of Ay que gustito pa mis ojos for the singer Raimundo Amador.

More recently, at the end of 2021, No Me Pises Que Carga Chanclas joined forces with Toreros Muertos to do a joint tour that continues to visit plazas throughout Spain to this day.

In Carbonell’s artistic list he also stands out for being one of the most recognized reporters of the Caiga qué Caiga program.

As an actor, he has participated in more than twenty films and half a dozen television series, his latest work being a role in Everyone Does It (2022), by Hugo Martín Cuervo. Special mention deserves his directorial debut with Atún y chocolate (2004), where Carbonell was also part of the cast. His performance in his debut film earned him the Best Actor award at the Malaga Festival and the Goya nomination for Best New Actor.

Pablo Carbonell has even had time to write two books: The world of the tarantula, memoirs (2016) and Pepita (2019).

“I have been a drug addict, I have taken everything. I have been saved because I do my work cleanly. If I did not do my work cleanly I would not be sitting here, I do it sooner or later. Now it has been a long time since I have taken drugs “, confessed the artist in an interview with Fran Rivera on the Espacio Público program.

“Kids have to be careful because when they are young and are beginning to train, they start with hashish or marijuana, considered soft drugs, and they have nothing soft,” highlighted the singer.

He has two daughters with María Arellano, Carlota and Mafalda who were diagnosed with congenital arthrogryposis multiplex. After seven operations, they were able to sign her up for dance classes since she regained her autonomy.

The couple wanted to make their daughter’s illness visible to help other parents in the same situation.