The Catholic Church has withdrawn all the powers and rights inherent in the Episcopal Office to Xavier Novell after this one, which still maintains the status of Bishop, was married on November 22, with the psychologist and writer Sílvia Cabalol.

In a communiqué made public this Saturday, the bishopric of Solsona qualifies as “serious” this fact and recalls that the Code of Canon Law of the Catholic Church stipulates that “the cleric who attempt marriage, albe only civilly, incurs in suspension ‘LATAE
sententiae ‘”.

Therefore, from the moment when Xavier Novell, 52, contracted civil marriage in the Court of Peace of Súria (Barcelona) with Sílvia Cabalol occurred, automatically, the predicted consequence in the aforeate cited.

In this way, Nuell is forbidden all acts of order power, acts of government power and the exercise of all rights and functions inherent in Episcopal Office, “without excluding other possible consequences that could be followed canonically.”

This means that Xavier Novell, despite maintaining his status as bishop, can not develop any of the functions derived from this ecclesiastical position and is prohibited, for example, the administration of the sacraments and any other magisterial activity, both in public and
In private.

Bishop Novell, character and controversial opinions, unexpectedly rested the bishopric of Solsona last August and the Pope accepted his resignation on that month, almost 4 months ago.

Novell, which 41 years old became 2010 at the youngest bishop in Spain, currently has 52 years, while his partner has 38.

After leaving his work as prelate, Xavier Novell, who is an agronomist, found work at the beginning of the month in the Cantona semen company, dedicated to the elaboration of dose for porcine artificial insemination.

The wedding has coincided over time with rumors, published in some media but not being confirmed by the couple, that Cabalol could be pregnant.