Eight women accuse him of harassment and assault sexual the director colombian Ciro Guerra, known in particular for his film The Embrace of the serpent, in an article published Wednesday in the local magazine Volcanicas.

read also : Ciro Guerra in an unknown land

Seven women have accused the filmmaker of 39 years of sexual harassment and an eighth sexual assault. The facts complained of were allegedly committed between 2013 and 2019 in cities such as Bogota, Cartagena, Medellin, Berlin, New York or Mexico city, according to the magazine.

The complainants have not revealed their identity to avoid retaliation.”

According to the testimonies, Ciro Guerra is involved with his victims to “conversations sex uncomfortable, invitations to the hotel, or his apartment,” writes the newspaper. He had “used force to touch them sexually, kissing and, in one case, sexually abuse, although they have said no in a clear, direct, and repeated” his advances, ” continues the journal.