The German Social Democratic Party (SPD) has renewed its executive on Saturday after the carousel of charges provoked with the retirement of one of its co-chairs, Norbert Walter-Borjans, and with the mood of closing ranks around the brand new tenant of the Foreign Ministry, Olaf
Scholz, who asked his co-religiones support in the government task.
He received it in the form of an ovation, but the words of the only social democratic leader invited to Congress, the first Swedish Minister, Magdalena Andersson.
Shortly after landing in Berlin, Andersson, he returned to Rumbo to Stockholm because a member of the delegation of her positive in Covid.

Congress passed according to the script.
Without the internal discussions that have kept the SPD on the volcano until the appointment of Scholz as a head of the list for the elections that gave him the triumph and without alternative candidacies to those already announced, the 600 delegates confirmed in the co-on-themed Saskia Eskeno
with 76.7% of the votes.
The new partner of her, the one now Secretary of Organization, Lars Klingbeil, obtained 86.3%.

The position that Klingbeil left vacant passes at the hands of Kevin Kühnert, former leader of socialist youth (whatever) and main architect from Scholz’s defeat when he finished the Presidency of the Party.
In recent days a video has been disseminated in which Kühnert is seen receiving laughter with joy the results of the primaries that Scholz lost in front of Esken and Walter-Borjans as he said “we have achieved”.
But from that and no one wants to remember, not even Kühnert himself, who, in the upper race of him in the game, and so far always at his own, has turned the sins of yesteryear.
“We have always been a party with a lot of internal debate and the criticism is a good thing for democracy,” he says.
Künhert obtained at the election of it by 77.78% of votes in favor.
All the votes of the wicked were for him.

With Kühnert, 32, at the General Secretariat and Esken in the co-chair, Scholz, who lacks charges in the SPD, has free back.
Both must keep internal discipline at bay and drown criticism that will undoubtedly arise in training once the honeymoon of the first 100 days of government with greens and liberals is over.

Klimbei, which proceeds as Scholz from the most conservative sectors of German social democracy, has already highlighted the importance of keeping ranks in time to come. And the reason is simple. Located the chancellery, although with one of the worst results obtained never by SPD, the electoral calendar is not closed. Next year, elections will be held in the federal states of Saarland, North Rhine-Westphalia, Schleswig-Holstein and Lower Saxony. “We can not settle for the chancellery. A victory is not enough,” Klimbei warned, a pragmatic and integrative politician who, at 43 years is positioned for the future in a strategic position of the Party. And a victory is not enough because the SPD with Scholz in the generals last September 26 does not reflect the real situation of the party. The victory of him was more result of the weakness of the opponent and wear after 16 years of government of the Christianodemocratic Union (CDU) than of the Social Democratic euphoria and passion for the candidate Scholz.

The SPD won the generals with 25.7% of the suffrage and became hero.
The SPD candidate in the 2013 elections, Peer Steinbrück, obtained exactly the same result, but then it was a failure and became Villano.
This is politics.