102,698 Corona cases were reported to the RKI yesterday.

In the previous week comparison, there is a strong minus of 29 percent.

This is the ninth consecutive business day of a week-on-week decline.

The 7-day average of new corona cases drops to 68,610.

This is the lowest reading since June 23.

Compared to the previous week, the 7-day average is still more than 20 percent in the red.

The incidence continues to fall, from 539 to 516.

In the previous week comparison, all 16 federal states are in the red.

Compared to the previous day, the incidence in 14 federal states has decreased.

In contrast, NRW recorded a plus of 26 points.

This can of course be a coincidence or a slip-up.

In any case, NRW is the federal state that started the holidays first – and where school starts again on August 10th.

In the past, too, it has repeatedly been observed that the number of cases began to increase again or more strongly shortly before the end of the holidays.

Why this is so is not entirely clear. It is possible that the test intensity will increase again when you return home from vacation.

Returning from regions that were particularly affected could also be a reason. In 2020 and 2021, for example, Kosovo stood out.

Incidentally, the second federal state in which the incidence is increasing today is Schleswig-Holstein, which will follow directly on NRW with school starting on August 15th.

Also on August 15, the school year begins in Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania – the federal state in which the minus in the incidence is the smallest today.

171 corona deaths were reported to the RKI yesterday, 16 fewer than a week ago.

Every day we hear the new Corona case numbers. But what do they mean, where are we in the pandemic and what is the trend? Olaf Gersemann explains and evaluates the current figures briefly and concisely – every morning anew.

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