The holder of the 7th Instruction Court of Zaragoza, Rafael Lasala, has cited to declare as accused of the head of the Cabinet of Foreign Affairs Camilo Villarino at the stage of Arancha González Laya by the entry into Spain of the leader of the Polisario Front, Brahim Ghali.
The date of the Declaration, which has been requested by the lawyer of the particular accusation, Antonio Urdiales, is September 1.

Brahim Ghali arrived on April 18 on an Algerian plane to the Zaragoza Air Base, without passing border controls or documentation, from where he left in an ambulance at San Pedro de Logroño hospital, entering the health center under the name of Mohamed
On June 2 he left the country from Pamplona.

Urdiales wishes to clarify the circumstances of the entry and exit of Ghali, if there has been a possible concealment or prevarication, and has indicated to Europe Press that the leader of the Polisario, according to a report by the Chief Colonel of the Civil Guard of Navarra, A
His departure from Spain passed through the authorities room at Noain Airport, thus receiving a special treatment that did not correspond and, again, without controls.

In a Providence of Judge Lasala, dated August 9, September 1 is cited as a witness to the General Lieutenant and second Head of Head of Air, Francisco Javier Fernández Sánchez.
He is not called as investigated because according to the holder of the 9th Integration Court, “they do not consist of that he knew that the person who reached Spain had or not a diplomatic passport or was exempt from any cause of passport control and of

The head of the office of the president of La Rioja, Elisha Tailor, will also appear as a witness, on date yet to be determined.
The accusation has also requested that he seek to give statement the Technical Secretary General in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, José María Muriel Palomino,