Representatives of ERC, JpCat and Bildu support to the 47 lawyers ETA of the “front of jail”

The forty-seven defendants from the front of the prison of ETA have admitted this Monday in the National Audience what they’ve always tried to hide: collaborated with the terrorist band ETA, or that belonged to her . In the first session of the trial, the defendants (including the lawyer for eta members Arantza Zulueta or the old senator from Bildu IƱaki Goiaga ) have recognized that the structure that controlled the prisoners, eta has acted under the direction of ETA, in particular the political front of the band, to achieve the cohesion of the inmates. The defendants participated in since 2012.

The agreement reached between the defenses and the accusations includes a sentence of three years and six months in prison for Zulueta, who will be convicted as a leader of ETA, and a sentence of two years and seven months in prison for Jon Enparantza , also in the same condition. Both will be punished, in addition, with complete disqualification for public office. The rest of the defendants, among which are the legal Amaia Izco , accepted a penalty of two years, so that they will avoid the prison.

To admit the facts for the accusations to try to dodge jail, the members of the front of prisons recognize what we have always denied, even with a large media campaign that has included demonstrations in the capitals of the Basque Country. The defendants in the case Herrira tried to ensure the objective of the ETA to keep the members of the collective of prisoners cohesive, “with an attitude of permanent “struggle” in the interior of the prison, because that attitude makes them the most obvious of the alleged basque conflict is still in force and, therefore, the need of a dialogue process that allows for their solution”. This cause refers to the activities of this front from the beginning of 2012, a few months after ETA announced the cessation of arms in October of 2011.

members of The front of the prison, many of them lawyers who in recent years have defended the eta in the judicial processes, have taken the step that always tried to block the part of their customers terrorists: the acceptance of the facts in search of a horizon penitentiary smoother . The defendants, the guardians of fidelity to the band, have been preferred in your case to recognize the facts attributed to them by the Prosecution and the AVT to prevent the judgment entered on the merits of the case.