S., 15, played uninterruptedly to the viodeoconsola the three days after killing his mother, his father and his brother 10 years last day at his country house in Elche.
During that time, he lived with the corpses and barely left his room, as sources close to research.

Apparently, according to his own statement, after perpetrating the crimes he wanted to take advantage of time alone aware that his destiny would be a minor center once the murders were discovered, as it has happened.

His “coldness” in telling how he finished shooting with his family’s life on the afternoon of last Tuesday, the absence of “repentance” or “remorse” and his young age have made this parricide a very difficult event to digest not only for
The researchers but also for the Minor Prosecutor’s Office of Alicante, who has sent him to a center of Valencia.

S. recognized what he did from the beginning although, however, he showed no emotions in the different statements he has made to his internment in the premises.

A first forensic approach to his mental health status practiced by the facultative of the Institute of Legal Medicine (IML) of Alicante indicates that, in principle, gravity pathologies are not appreciated.

The adolescent committed the crimes after discussing with his mother for bad academic results.
In the past, he had been an exemplary student, with which he reproached him the notes.
The woman had decided to cut her wifi.

S. did not fit it.
After the fight, he went up to the top floor to look for the shotgun of his father.
His mother was in the kitchen.
She went down and shot him twice.
When he listening to the shots, his brother – who played out – entered and seeing his mother on the floor, ran out.
S. He shot him from the back until he caused death.
The teenager waited three hours to arrive at him to shoot him too and cornered the three corpses in the garage.
He showered, his dinner was prepared and started playing the console.
So he spent three days.

On Friday afternoon-night, his aunt was disturbed by the absence of his sister’s answers, something that was not usual in her.
She did not return the calls or answered her whatsapp so she decided to approach her’s house.

The woman called through the gate and S. came out.
When he asked him, she answered that she had killed the whole family of her.
He gave the notice to the police without even entering the chalet.
S. He quietly waited for the agents to arrive and told them the way in which the facts had happened.

At that time, the parricide stopped going to class alleging that he was confined by Covid, with which no one suspected of what had happened.
He even went through his mother by answering some messages he had received on the mobile.
The National Police Body of Elche, who has commanded the investigation, made it available to the Child Prosecutor’s Office at first time last Sunday.

After several hours declaring, the Public Prosecutor’s Office ordered its entry into a socio-educational measures specialized in adolescents enclosed by three murder crimes, clarified the judicial sources consulted.
The reason why he has moved to the adolescent to a center outside the province lies in the need to get away from his surroundings.

After the event, Elche City Council decreed three days of official mourning in memory of the victims of Triple Crime.
The institutional flags flutter on the outside of the exterior of the municipal public buildings.