After a hot May, the heat will return to the beginning of June, which marks the beginning of Meteo-France. The heat will be from the south of New Aquitaine, Paca, Occitania, Corsica and the edge of the sea where maritime entry will settle.

The weather will be cloudy from the morning. Heavy, locally stormy showers will follow. At the end or evening, clouds could develop and bring some locally stormy rains to the New Aquitaine area. La Chaine Meteo explains that disturbances can be caused by the arrival cold drops. It will initially bring up a severe heat in the country. This will then bring about violent storms at week’s end.

Return of the sweetness>Following a depression located off the Iberian Peninsula [bottom left of the image] a warm humid south-westerly flow is gradually advancing over France.29/30 degC expected in most regions by weekend.i

The consequences: Temperatures will remain high on Wednesday despite the fact that it is relatively cold. The minimums range from 4 to 10 degrees north of the Loire to Burgundy-Franche-Comte, from 9 to 15 degrees in the south, and from 15 to 20 degrees near the Mediterranean. The maximums are 20 to 26 degrees north from a Bordeaux Lyon axis. They rise sharply in South France with 27 to 32 degrees and 33 to 35 locally in Occitania.

Tomorrow’s temperatures will be quite contrasted with relative freshness on the Channel coast with 18degC.

Thursday will be unstable with clouds over the Southwest. Thunderstorms could occasionally break out on the plain, especially in the region. Meteo France forecasts Friday as the heat peak of the week with temperatures reaching nearly 29 degrees Celsius for the maximum. Stormy showers in the afternoon will arrive from the Atlantic coast at dawn and sweep the country from West to West.