The 2,700 million euros that CVC will inject Laliga in exchange for a percentage of his participation in the business will not be a blank check for the 42 clubs that make up the competition.
They will be articulated in the form of loans at 0% interest, but will not be granted automatically to whoever requested it according to what corresponds, but a commission will be responsible for studying requests and granting such loans.

As is already well known, 15% of the money corresponding to each club may be used to expand salary limits (pressing many need in the short term), another 15% to settle debts derived from the crisis by the COVID-19 and the
Another 70% to improve infrastructures.
A section, the latter, very broad, that not only cigains stadiums, sports cities or social venues, but also encompasses the professional structures of clubs, very precarious in Spain compared to those who have premiere teams and the

Laliga, aware of this lack of staff and means that responds to the own business culture of Spanish football, has been insisting and helping clubs to professionalize their non-sports structures.
A few years ago it was not strange that a single person would take care of the marketing and communication of a small club or, even, that in second there were press leaders who in turn worked for a local medium.
At present, it is unthinkable.

In that line, any project for which a club demands financing must be supported by a commitment to professionalize its structure, from three axes: communication, marketing and data.
“It will be like what happens to EU countries with European funds, you will have a money at your disposal, but you must meet a series of requirements to access it,” explain from a first club.
Compiled by this information, and based on predefined parameters, the Commission created for this purpose will evaluate each request.

Laliga, Anyway, aims to take advantage of the torrent of money that will bring its agreement with CVC to professionalize the structure of the clubs, with the mind on which the clubs are able to promote their presence and popularity in foreign markets, complementing the collective actions of
the competition.
Given the stagnation of national television rights, the strategy of competition goes by increasing its value in other countries, mainly in those who are not already copied by the Premier League.

“In the coming years we will live a ‘boom’ of staff hiring in the clubs. In the end, the directives tend to prioritize that all the money in the account is in the field and leave aside that facet that allows you to continue growing to
The entity, unless they have an incentive to bet on it. Now, if the agreement with CVC is approved, they will have it, “adds a convenient source of the small print.