Erfurt (dpa/th) – The federal government’s Antiziganism Commissioner, Mehmet Daimaguler, will present his work as a guest in the cabinet in Erfurt on Tuesday. Daimaguler is the Federal Government’s first commissioner against antiziganism and for the life of Sinti and Roma in Germany. He deals with discrimination, exclusion and hostility towards Sinti and Roma in the country. The lawyer, who was born in North Rhine-Westphalia, became known as a representative of the private prosecutor in the trial against the right-wing extremist NSU trio. His report will also be a topic at the government press conference (2 p.m.).

Thuringia’s Energy Minister Anja Siegesmund (Greens) also wants to speak at the press conference on current energy issues. Among other things, it should be about the new version of the Federal Energy Security Act.