Erfurt (dpa/th) – In Thuringia, the number of new corona infections reported by the health authorities has decreased compared to the previous week. According to the Ministry of Health, 1,846 new cases were registered on Thursday, after 1,930 on Thursday of the previous week. Since the beginning of the week, the number of cases reported daily has been below that of the previous week. The incidence – i.e. the new cases reported weekly per 100,000 inhabitants – was 389.5 on Thursday, also below the value of the previous weekday of 426.3.

Thuringia still has the lowest seven-day value among the federal states. However, the official figures are only meaningful to a very limited extent, and experts assume that there are many unreported cases. The reason is that only infections detected by a PCR test are included in the statistics, but not positive antigen rapid tests. In the meantime, however, medical practices often do without PCR tests. In addition, late registrations and transmission problems can falsify the statistics.

A total of 21 deaths related to a corona infection have been reported in Thuringia since the beginning of the week. In the past week (Monday to Friday), 22 people who tested positive for the virus died. According to an overview by the Robert Koch Institute, 7,436 people who tested positive have died in Thuringia since the beginning of the pandemic in March 2020. Since then, a total of around 730,700 people have been infected with the Sars-CoV-2 virus. According to the Corona weekly report, the BA.5 subline of the highly contagious omicron variant has dominated Thuringia since the beginning of June.