Erfurt (dpa/th) – According to the gaming hall association, the change in the Thuringian gaming hall law with votes from the AfD, CDU and FDP has not caused any more uncertainties than before. “As far as I know, the colleagues I know here in Thuringia have all already started with the certification,” said Tobias Schneegans, member of the board of the arcade association, the German Press Agency. It is possible to meet the requirements of the current statutory ordinance. “And that basically guarantees me another toleration.”

The background is that arcades need a specific certification, but there are still no accredited test centers. So far, the Thuringian Ministry of Economics has always extended the toleration of gambling halls that have not yet been fully certified. A spokesman said on Friday that it was completely unclear whether and which body would ultimately be accredited. “This whole process is therefore subject to great uncertainties.”

Late on Tuesday evening, the opposition factions of the AfD and CDU and the parliamentary group of the FDP had passed an amendment to the arcade law. It was the first time that a law was passed in Thuringia for which votes from the AfD were decisive. In terms of content, the change means that the currently valid arcade ordinance continues to apply, but can no longer be changed. Economics Minister Wolfgang Tiefensee (SPD) had urgently warned against the change in the law in the state parliament debate.

“The situation that has arisen is regrettable and was brought about against the express advice and notice of the Ministry of Economic Affairs,” said the spokesman for the Ministry of Economic Affairs. We are examining ways to remedy the situation. “So we urgently contacted the federal government once again and asked for the accredited bodies to be set up quickly,” said the spokesman. If necessary, they could probably start with the certification process for the arcades before the accreditation is completed.