Between Christmas and New Year, no refugees should be distributed to the municipalities in Thuringia. But what if the initial reception center in Suhl is threatened with overcrowding? The Ministry of Migration has a plan for this.

Suhl/Hermsdorf (dpa/th) – In the event of a critical occupancy rate in the initial reception center in Suhl, the new emergency accommodation in Hermsdorf should be ready for use within two days. That was agreed for the holiday period until January 3rd, Thuringia’s Migration Minister Dirk Adams told the German Press Agency before his visit to the accommodation in Suhl. One will learn early enough that one is approaching a critical point without reaching it, said the Green politician.

The aim is to have enough time before using the emergency accommodation in Hermsdorf to be able to order food for the refugees and to organize voluntary help.

The background is that no refugees are to be distributed to the municipalities between December 23 and January 3. So far, according to Adams, the daily arrival figures have not indicated that the number of refugees accommodated in Suhl will reach critical values ​​during this time. “Right now we have a sharp drop in occupancy,” Adams said.

On Thursday, the last day of the distribution this year, a low occupancy of the accommodation should be reached. “That could be somewhere between 500 and 700.” An occupancy of 800 would therefore be a kind of trigger value to react if the daily arrival numbers increase again. One wants to avoid exceeding the 1000 mark between Christmas and New Year.

The accommodation for refugees in Hermsdorf was opened on December 15; so far, however, no refugees have been housed there. “Hermsdorf is and will remain an emergency shelter,” emphasized Adams. He will not accommodate people in a hall without need. “I can be forced to do it and then I will do it,” added the minister. The preparations for this have been made.