Erfurt (dpa/th) – In Thuringia, 407,000 property owners have so far reported their data for the census of buildings and apartments online. That is about 60 percent of all those required to provide information, said the State Office for Statistics on Tuesday in Erfurt. Another 56,000 of the owners and administrators who were contacted took the opportunity to order a paper questionnaire. According to the statisticians, around 626,000 letters have been sent out for the census of buildings and apartments.
Those who have not yet fulfilled their obligation to provide information in the building and apartment census now receive reminders. But there are also apartment owners who have not received a letter at all. Not all property owners and managers have been identified, it said.
The census of buildings and apartments runs parallel to the household survey – the classic census of the population. For the first time, data on cold rents, energy sources and reasons for the vacancy are to be collected by November.