Erfurt (dpa/th) – According to the Naturschutzbund (Nabu), Thuringia is setting false premises when it comes to reforesting forests damaged by bark beetles and storms. Instead of planting trees artificially grown in tree nurseries on a large scale, the focus should be on natural regeneration of the forests, Nabu said on Tuesday. The past few years have shown that most of the artificial plantings have dried up, explained the deputy Nabu state chairman Dirk Hofmann. Native tree species that germinate independently would have better chances of survival. Right from the start, they developed a deeper root system and are more resistant to drought.

Nabu also considers the financial support of forestry companies to remove trees damaged by bark beetles to be of little use. This is planned in the state program for the restoration of climate-damaged forest areas, as is reforestation. According to the environmental association, trees infested by the bark beetle are usually discovered much too late. However, dead trees no longer offer breeding grounds for the pest.

Thuringia has increased the financial support for forest owners in the elimination of climate-related forest damage this year to 25 million euros, according to the infrastructure ministry, 21.2 million euros were paid out last year. The state program to deal with climate-related forest damage caused by storms or extreme drought has been extended until the end of 2024.