Sondershausen (dpa/th) – A pilot project to introduce administrative assistants in schools is starting in Thuringia. In the Kyffhäuser district and in the district of Schmalkalden-Meinigen, five assistants are to be used, as a spokesman for the Thuringian Ministry of Education said on Monday. “With the introduction of school administration assistance, we are taking a big concrete step towards relieving our schools,” explained Thuringia’s Education Minister Helmut Holter (left).

According to his ministry, the design of the field of activity of the new specialists is still to be tested. Above all, they should support the school management – for example in the organization of school events and the school registration process.

“The new colleagues not only contribute to the relief, but will also take a step towards further professionalization in the administrative work at the schools,” said Holter. The aim is to “learn quickly from the different approaches in the model project and then to open up these new possibilities in other circles”.