Jena (dpa/th) – Higher expenses for services have given the software company Intershop a restrained first half of the year. While business with rental software for online trading increased by almost a third, the problems in the service business ensured half-year sales which, at EUR 18.5 million, were only slightly above the level of the same period of the previous year. This emerges from the figures presented by the Jena-based company on Wednesday. Earnings before interest and taxes (EBIT) slipped into the red at half a million euros.
CEO Markus Klahn described the second quarter in terms of earnings as a slip. “We are optimistic about the future. We have a good pipeline of orders.” Klahn confirmed the business forecast for 2022. According to this, the specialist for programs that companies can use to conduct their business online wants to generate sales growth of ten percent. The EBIT should be at least one million euros. Almost 300 IT specialists are employed in Jena.