The price of Brent oil fires after the attacks on the refineries in Saudi SaudíJohn Bolton against Trump and Pompeo discuss with the insurgenciaLas criptomonedas go to the next level of threat

The White House accuses Iran of being responsible for the attack against the oil refineries of Saudi Arabia which has disrupted the supply of more than 5% of the world’s oil. In consequence, the american president, Donald Trump has offered his support to the crown arabia in the measures you decide to take to respond and defend themselves in the future. Faced with the possibility becoming more real of a conflict between the two powers in the Persian gulf, the iranian regime has denied any responsibility in the attacks of Saturday, made with drones.

Trump called the Defense minister and crown prince, saudi, Mohammed bin Salman, after being informed of the attacks. The head of american diplomacy, Mike Pompeo , said after the U.S. blamed squarely on Iran for the assault. “Tehran is behind almost one hundred attacks against Saudi Arabia,” said the secretary of State, “and in spite of all his offers of dialogue, now Iran has launched an unprecedented attack on the energy supply of the world. There is No proof that these attacks come from Yemen.”

The iranian Government denied yesterday categorically that has nothing to do with the attacks of Saturday, to the refineries of saudi Aramco, and recalled that the own rebels hutíes, of Yemen, have admitted to launching the drones. “Blame it all on Iran is not going to end with this disaster,” said yesterday the Foreign minister, Javad Zariz, on the social network Twitter. “The united states and their customers are stuck in Yemen because they continue to believe the lie that the military superiority will lead them to the victory.”

For the u.s. Government, the rebels hutíes of Yemen not more than one arm in the alien of the iranian regime , as it is Hizbolá in Lebanon. The war in Yemen is in reality a conflict that pits Iran and its allies with Saudi Arabia and yours. In 2015 these last, supported by the united States, launched a campaign of aerial bombardment that has only served to placed in a conflict that has killed more than 91.000 people, according to the Acled.


Since a year ago, Trump withdrew the U.S. from the nuclear agreement with Iran and resumed the economic sanctions, the islamic regime has shown a combativeness in the Gulf, coming to shoot down a drone surveillance of the united states in July. For its part, the U.S. got the United Kingdom the capture of an oil tanker with 2.1 million barrels of crude oil of iran in Gibraltar, although this was later released and it dumped the oil in Syria. As a response, the iranian Revolutionary Guards captured temporarily a freighter british.

To Trump, the attack against Saudi Arabia serves as a claim. From a year ago, democrats and republicans on Capitol hill have tried to disrupt the military cooperation between Washington and Riyadh for the murder in Turkey of the journalist Jamal Khashoggi, a dissident saudi who was living in exile in Washington. Several investigations have blamed it directly the crown prince sultan Bin Salman give the order to kill Khashoggi, his main critic.

This boycott to the allies saudis may now change. The proof is that yesterday, an influential republican senator, Lindsay Graham, suggested to the president to order a missile attack against Tehran. “Iran will not give up to this aggressive behavior until you make it clear that their actions have serious consequences, such as attacking their refineries, something that will certainly break the backbone of the regime”, said senator Graham, who is in 2017 convinced Trump that attack with missiles to the syrian regime.

Trump, however, has not been shown to be very willing to attack Iran in recent months. In July, his National Security adviser, John Bolton, persuaded him to respond to the downing of the drone in the u.s. an attack against military facilities in iran. After giving the order, Trump he had no regrets and aborted the mission because they were going to die 10 people. Then Trump recelaba of the bellicosity of Bolton with respect to Iran, but last week he fired and his place has not yet been occupied.

just in case, yesterday, one of the advisers of the president, Kellyanne Conway, did a round of interviews on news shows Sunday morning saying that Bolton used to say in a crisis like this: “ For president Donald Trump all options are on the table” . The president, meanwhile, was playing in one of their golf courses in Virginia.