“The non-working practices agreements have been normalized and obliged young people to continuous enrollment in fictitious degrees to be able to access practices.”
This is why a Ruge Study, Ugetist Revolution, the Youth Organization of the UGT Union.
According to the study, young people with degrees or even with the Master, are forced to disburse up to 200 euros for online courses where they are constantly enrolled to be able to get started in the work world.
Therefore, on the International Youth Day, they denounce that through non-labor practices, a “fraud” is committed from more than 1,500 million to social security.

Thus, the Mechanism explains the study: “A young person seeks work, they only offer you non-work practices and to access them you have to enroll in an online course in which I was not interested.”
According to a statement issued by the union, the violation of these agreements “hides the existence of labor relations”.
The reason is that companies offer positions in non-working practices to young people in unregulated training to make them go through practitioners, “when they are actually developing effective work” says the report.
In addition, according to the study these job offers are found both in the employment portals and placement agencies or ETTS.

Thus, according to the study data, in 2018, 866,079 people conducted this type of unpaid practices, and they came to represent 296,310 annual jobs, creating an impact of 4,251.8 million euros in wages.
In addition, the report reveals that unpaid or poorly remunerated labor practices have resulted in salaries losses of 16,242.1 million euros, as well as 6,615.2 million euros in quotes.

Following this, the youth organization demands “urgently” a statute of non-labor practices and affirm that after the clash plan for young employment, the Government assumed a “commitment that after two and a half years continues without advancing”
In addition, they advocate the monitoring of the State to students in practices through the creation of a “National Register of Practice Students”, as well as the elimination of non-labor extracurricular practices and the prohibition of conventions of this type of practice
By registration in other courses.

According to the study, the work situation of young people in Spain is damaged by a hiring system and productive system that has “led to a model of high use of employment, disproportionate temporary rates and ease of dismissal”.
They point out that since the crisis of 2008 to the Labor Reforms of 2010 and 2012, they “led to many of the conditions” that have deteriorated the conditions of youth.

In this regard, they emphasize that the temporality in juvenile employment agglutinates 91.37% of employment contracts, compared to indefinite contracts that represent 8.63%.
This places Spaniards not only as one of the countries with higher unemployment rates in Europe, but also as one of the young populations with one of the greatest labor poverties of the continent.
In addition, they denounce that the great guilty of work frauds currently not only are the practical agreements, but also false autonomous on digital platforms as in the case of riders, who have been hired from platforms today.