Ukraine announced on Saturday that it had delivered a note to Poland in which it denounces the “unacceptable” trade restrictions that this country, one of its main allies in the face of the Russian invasion, imposes on Ukrainian agricultural products. Several countries bordering Ukraine, including Poland, have issued temporary bans on the import of grain and other goods from Ukrainian territory, amid protests from local farmers.

“Notes regarding the completely unacceptable situation (resulting from) trade restrictions on imports of agricultural products from Ukraine” were sent to the Polish diplomatic representation as well as that of the European Union, the door said. -spokesman of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Kyiv, Oleg Nikolenko.

The European Commission, for its part, announced on Friday that it had reached an agreement with five EU states, including Poland and Hungary, to guarantee the transit of Ukrainian cereals, after import ban measures taken by these countries deemed “unacceptable” by Brussels. Kyiv called for the “immediate” resumption of exports and said the restrictions violated the Association Agreement between Ukraine and the European Union “and the principles and standards of the EU single market”. The invasion of Ukraine considerably limited the traditional channel of Ukrainian grain exports through the Black Sea, necessitating overland exports via its neighbours.