British Home Secretary James Cleverly has apologized after making “a joke” that “the ideal wife is one who is lightly sedated and cannot realize that there are better men out there.”

Cleverly made this comment during a reception with journalists on December 18. The conversations at these events are considered “off the record”, but the ‘Sunday Mirror’, which revealed the information, claims that it has broken the pact due to the seriousness of the phrase and Cleverly’s position.

According to the aforementioned media, Cleverly made a comment about “pouring a drug” into his wife’s drink and referred to Flunitrazepam or Rohypnol, which can be used in drinks to abuse people.

A Home Office spokesperson says that “in a private conversation, James, the Home Secretary, putting drugs in a drink was clearly an ironic comment for which he apologizes.”

Different members of the Labor party have criticized Cleverly’s attitude and the Minister for Domestic Violence and Safeguarding, Alex David-Jones, claims that saying it is “a joke” is the “oldest excuse” and that no one believes it.

“If the Minister of the Interior is serious about ending these crimes and violence against women, a complete cultural change is needed. The jokes have to stop and that has to start from the top,” he stated.