Melania Trump has rarely spoken about her husband. She has limited herself to making faces when she did not agree with some act of Donald Trump, such as on the day of his inauguration. And it is that her wife does not seem to like the idea of ​​leaving Trump Tower, in New York, to move to the White House. She also strategically absented herself during and after the storming of the Capitol. She remained entrenched in a loft in the White House away from the Oval Office. So the imputation of her husband is no exception.

And it is that this Monday, while Donald Trump had to appear in court for what has been the first charge against a former president of the United States, she arrived at Trump Tower dressed in an elegant cream-colored jacket and sunglasses, accompanied by her driver and escort. And she didn’t leave the building.

It has long been rumored that the couple, while living together in Mar-a-Lago, lead separate lives. It may be because Trump’s relationship with porn actress Stormy Daniels is believed to have started in 2006, less than a year after his wedding to Melania. The former president is accused, among other facts, of an “inappropriate” relationship with the actress. And the summary also includes an affair with another woman, Karen McDougal, a former Playboy model.

But Melania is not the only one in the family who is discreetly distancing herself from Donald Trump. Ivanka, her daughter, announced before Christmas that she would not participate in her father’s campaign for the next Presidential elections.

Nor have either of the two been in the speech that Trump has given at Mar-a-Lago to defend his innocence. His sons Donald Jr. and Eric were with the former president, but Melania justified her absence by saying that she wants to spend more time with her son Barron. It would be another of her encrypted messages (which are less and less hidden).

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