It was long, laborious and sometimes tense. The American Congress ended up adopting, on Tuesday April 23, the gigantic package of military and economic assistance planned by Joe Biden for Ukraine, after months of transpartisan negotiations.

After the vote a few days earlier by the House of Representatives, the Senate step was a formality. The text which, as a whole, includes an aid plan of 95 billion dollars (approximately 88.5 billion euros) for Ukraine, Israel, Taiwan and an ultimatum to TikTok, has in fact received very wide support. support from the other component of the American Congress.

“Finally, finally, finally. Tonight, after more than six months of hard work and many twists and turns, America is sending a message to the world: we will not turn our backs on you,” applauded Senate Democratic Leader Chuck Schumer.

The lion’s share therefore goes to kyiv, which faces a complicated situation on the battlefield against Russia: $61 billion is earmarked for the war in Ukraine in this project.

Congress Heeded “History’s Call”

On social media, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky said he was “grateful to the United States Senate for approving vital aid for Ukraine.” “I also appreciate President Biden’s support and hope that the bill will be signed soon and that the next military aid package will match the resolve I have always seen in our negotiations,” he said. added Mr. Zelensky.

Joe Biden immediately announced that he was going to promulgate the text. “I will sign this bill and address the American people as soon as it hits my desk tomorrow [Wednesday], so that we can begin sending weapons and equipment to Ukraine this week,” said American president. Congress responded to “the call of history” with this law which aims to “strengthen our national security and send a message to the world about the power of American leadership,” he added in a press release. the White House.

The adoption of this aid plan is a relief for the Ukrainian army, faced with a shortage of new recruits and ammunition, in the face of constant pressure from Russian troops in the East. According to Mr. Zelensky, “Ukraine’s long-range capabilities, artillery and air defense are essential tools for restoring a just peace more quickly.”

Rather send “ammunition” than “our boys”

The United States is kyiv’s main military supporter, but Congress had not passed a major package for its ally in nearly a year and a half, mainly due to partisan squabbling.

The American president and the Democratic Party remained in favor of this aid, presented as an investment in the security of the United States in the face, according to them, of Russia’s aggressive aims. The Republicans, led by Donald Trump, have become increasingly reluctant, and the conservative boss of the House of Representatives, Mike Johnson, has long blocked the text. The Republican leader in Congress ended up supporting the resumption of military and economic aid, with this justification: “I would rather send munitions to Ukraine than send our boys to fight.”

This aid plan also authorizes President Biden to confiscate and sell Russian assets so that they can be used to finance the reconstruction of Ukraine. An idea that is gaining ground among other G7 countries. A large part of the envelope will also be used to replenish the stocks of the American army and will return to arms factories in the United States.