As retirement approaches, it is essential to be careful with all the steps that need to be taken. Indeed, it is better to plan your departure in advance so as not to be caught up in a series of documents and requests, which can waste a lot of time and energy. Among these perspectives to observe, it is useful to take a closer look at the personal training account (CPF). He therefore has an unexpected capacity and above all a sum of money from which he must take advantage. We take stock for you.

Retirement sometimes arrives faster than you think and it is recommended that you prepare for it in advance to guarantee a peaceful end to your career and a sufficient pension when you leave. But have you ever thought about using your personal training account (CPF) before the end of your professional career? More and more young retirees are forgetting to use it and losing a significant amount of money by forgetting its existence.

The personal training account (CPF) is therefore offered to you as soon as you enter the job market, but it is still present when you retire. The amount in your CPF can be used throughout your working life (including during periods of unemployment) to follow qualifying or certification training. You can consult it on the My training account teleservice and you are authorized to use it to acquire a diploma or even acquire the basic knowledge and skills.

Funded at 5,000 euros by companies, the personal training account (CPF) can no longer be used after retirement. From this moment on, if you have exercised your rights to a full pension or taken early retirement, you will no longer be able to benefit from this sum of money.

If you leave your personal training account (CPF) without using it, a loss of 5,000 euros is recorded. This is, in fact, the amount to which the CPF is capped. Remember that it is funded, throughout a career, by employer contributions, with a sum of 500 euros per year.

As Capital reports, if we refer to the figures from Agirc-Arrco, 700,000 people retire each year in France. In a context where the employment rate continues to decline, using the CPF is interesting for training and staying informed of developments in your sector.

Upon retirement, however, a special case allows you to use your CPF. It concerns pension beneficiaries “who have obtained a reduced rate, with a discount, in the event that they wish to combine employment and retirement in order to compensate for their loss of income”. Here it is possible to obtain up to 5,000 euros for training which will fund the CPF account for salaried activity.